miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Mientras tanto, en la Gran Democracia del Norte...

Primer acto: De un lado, ocho canas y un perro. Del otro, un negro cincuentón, desarmado, deficiente mental. La acción empieza al minuto cincuenta; el negro liga 48 (cuarenta y ocho) balazos (https://youtu.be/2Iigvm5iPkU).

Segundo acto: De un lado, seis canas, del otro, otro negro, esta vez un homeless. El tipo está en el piso, los canas a menos de un metro. Cinco o seis tiros a quemarropa. Por la escena pasa una adolescente, también negra, que se indigna. La tiran al suelo, la agarran como sea y la esposan. Presa por mirona, suponemos. (http://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2015/03/02/caught-on-video-lapd-guns-down-homeless-man-in-broad-daylight)

Tercer acto: dale, relajate un rato y escuchá algo de música. A ver si te gusta este rap: “This Is What Happens When You Call the Cops” (http://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2014/12/04/video-of-the-day-this-is-what-happens-when-you-call-the-cops/).

¿Cómo se llama la obra?

Los videos vienen del sitio web Liberty Blitzkrieg. Uno de sus últimos posts es alarmante:

Título: U.S. Police Kill More Civilians in March than UK Police Killed in 100 Years

Texto: The following statistics seem impossible to believe. While I wonder how accurately the UK has been tracking these numbers historically, the enormous spread seems much too large to ignore, and is a national embarrassment that should be dealt with immediately.

From the Free Thought Project:

A new report by ThinkProgress.com unearthed disturbing figures when it came to the number of police-related deaths that occurred in America in the month of March alone.

Just last month, in the 31 days of March, police in the United States killed more people than the UK did in the entire 20th century. In fact, it was twice as many; police in the UK only killed 52 people during that 100 year period.

According to the report by ThinkProgess, in March alone, 111 people died during police encounters — 36 more than the previous month.

This high number in March increased the average for police killings from every 8.5 hours, to nearly 1 police killing every 6.5 hours in the US.

China, whose population is 4 and 1/2 times the size of the United States, recorded 12 killings by law enforcement officers in 2014.

On average, US police kill people at a rate 70 times higher than any of the other first world countries as they “protect and serve” the American citizens.

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