viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Lamentamos informar

Con los ojos arrasados por el llanto lamentamos informar sobre un nuevo suicidio vinculado con el mundo de las finanzas en la ciudad de Nueva York. Se trata esta vez de un joven y exitoso banquero de 29 años, toda una vida de especulación desenfrenada por delante, quien sucumbiera al súbito impulso de tirarse de un piso 24 en el Ocean Luxury Rental Apartment Building de la citada ciudad.  Detalle innecesario y escabroso para los deudos de esta joven promesa de las finanzas, hubo que transportar al nosocomio la cabeza del joven dividida en dos pedazos, al fraccionarse contra un guard-rail en momentos en que impactaba contra el suelo. El luctuoso episodio enluta a una ciudad cuya tradición es tirarse directamente sobre el asfalto, así, sin vueltas, medias tintas o detalles adicionales que otorgan matices macabros a una ya de por sí difícil decisión por parte del interesado. Nuestros saludos a los deudos, a Wall Street y a la ciudad de NYC en su conjunto. Como es costumbre, despedimos los restos de esta joven promesa de las finanzas con el tradicional "Jump you Fuckers" de Gene Burnett ( A continuación, la breve noticia de Zero Hedge:

Título: New York Investment Banker Jumps To His Death From Luxury Downtown Building

Texto: Yesterday, New Yorkers walking by the Ocean Luxury Rental apartment building at 1 West St around 10:40am, were greeted with a gruesome sight: a 29-year-old man had just jumped to his death from the 24th floor.

According to initial reports, the man landed on a car that was driving toward the Battery Tunnel at the time. He was pronounced DOA at the scene.

Today, we learn that the tragic incident was merely the latest banker suicide, when according to the NY Post the still unidentified jumper was the latest in a long series of investment bankers who have decided to take their own life.

The 29-year-old man plunged from the 24th floor of the luxury Ocean apartment building at 1?West St. at about 10:40?a.m. and landed on a guardrail near the northbound Battery Park Underpass, narrowly missing a black SUV.

The man’s body was mangled by the impact, leaving one of the vehicle’s passengers horrified, witnesses said.

“I went outside, and the woman in the car was screaming, ‘I didn’t know where he came from!’?” said Hans Peler, 48, a manager at the building’s parking garage. “It happened right in front of our guy who waves cars in with the flag. He was so shaken up, I told him to go home.”

Tourists in a nearby open-air bus that was stuck in traffic, saw more than they bargained for when the gruesome scene unfolded right in front of them. Then they quickly found their bearing and realized the tragedy would look perfect on their Instagram profile, and scrambled for their cellphones to snap pictures of the body, said workers at the building.

“The head hit the railing .?.?. Half his head is on one side of the railing, half on the other,” recalled Frank Rodriguez, 44, a handyman who was working nearby. “It’s never worth this . . . Life is too precious.”

Sources said the young banker had made several attempts to kill himself earlier in the morning, including cutting his wrists, before making the plunge.

The man — whom police did not immediately identify — was from a wealthy family in Westchester County, sources said. He had apparently become very successful on his own.

He owned his apartment in the 36-story Ocean complex, which overlooks The Battery and New York Harbor, and had just returned from a vacation in the Bahamas, sources said.

At this point we have lost count of how many bankers have taken their own lives in the past year, despite stocks rising to all time highs and an artificial "wealth effecting" environment which if nobody else, benefits the banker class. We dread to think what happens to New York's pavements once the central planners finally lose control.

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