martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

Antes y después

En Febrero de 2011 comienza el operativo "Primavera árabe" en Libia, por entonces el país con mayor PBI per capita de toda Africa y uno de los más desarrollados de ese continente. El Imperio y su brazo armado, la NATO, con el entusiasta apoyo de las potencias europeas, destrozan un país. Lo que quedan son unos cuantos territorios manejados por el corrupto más y mejor armado. Hoy el sitio web Sputnic dio a conocer la  infografía de más arriba (click sobre la imagen para ampliar): 

Título: Libya: Before and After Gaddafi

Texto: A lot of water has passed under the bridge since Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011.

Many Western leaders have called him a dictator. But under his rule Libya was a prosperous country with people happily living there. Since 2011 Libya has been in a state of civil war. The UN-backed Government of National Accord, headquartered in Tripoli, operates in the western part of the country. The eastern part of the country is governed by its Parliament, with headquarters in the city of Tobruk, which is supported by the Libyan National Army.Thousands of people flee from Libya every year trying to escape war and poverty.

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