martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018


Mientras esperamos el epílogo del mundo unipolar en el que vivimos desde la caída del bloque soviético, leemos este artículo de Eric Zuesse para el blog The Vineyard of the Saker:

Título: The Meaning of a Multipolar World

Texto: Right now, we live in a monopolar world. Here is how U.S. President Barack Obama proudly, even imperially, described it when delivering the Commencement address to America’s future generals, at West Point Military Academy, on 28 May 2014:

The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. [Every other nation is therefore ‘dispensable’; we therefore now have “Amerika, Amerika über alles, über alles in der Welt”.] That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come. … America must always lead on the world stage. If we don’t, no one else will. … Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us. [He was here telling these future U.S. military leaders that they are to fight for the U.S. aristocracy, to help them defeat any nation that resists.] … In Ukraine, Russia’s recent actions recall the days when Soviet tanks rolled into Eastern Europe. But this isn’t the Cold War. Our ability to shape world opinion helped isolate Russia right away. [He was proud of the U.S. Government’s effectiveness at propaganda, just as Hitler was proud of the German Government’s propaganda-effectiveness under Joseph Goebbels.] Because of American leadership, the world immediately condemned Russian actions; Europe and the G7 joined us to impose sanctions; NATO reinforced our commitment to Eastern European allies; the IMF is helping to stabilize Ukraine’s economy; OSCE monitors brought the eyes of the world to unstable parts of Ukraine.

Actually, his — Obama’s — regime, had conquered Ukraine in February 2014 by a very bloody coup, and installed a racist-fascist anti-Russian Government there next door to Russia, a stooge-regime to this day, which instituted a racial-cleansing campaign to eliminate enough pro-Russia voters so as to be able to hold onto power there. It has destroyed Ukraine and so alienated the regions of Ukraine that had voted more than 75% for the democratically elected Ukrainian President whom Obama overthrew, so that those pro-Russia regions quit Ukraine. What remains of Ukraine after the U.S. conquest is a nazi mess and a destroyed nation in hock to Western taxpayers and banks.

Furthermore, Obama insisted upon (to use Bush’s term about Saddam Hussein) “regime-change” in Syria. Twice in one day the Secretary General of the U.N. asserted that only the Syrian people have any right to do that, no outside nation has any right to impose it. Obama ignored him and kept on trying. Obama actually protected Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate against bombing by Syria’s Government and by Syria’s ally Russia, while the U.S. bombed Syria’s army, which was trying to prevent those jihadists from overthrowing the Government. Obama bombed Libya in order to “regime-change” Muammar Gaddafi, and he bombed Syria in order to “regime-change” Bashar al-Assad; and, so, while the “U.S. Drops Bombs; EU Gets Refugees & Blame. This Is Insane.” And Obama’s successor Trump continues Obama’s policies in this regard. And, of course, the U.S. and its ally UK invaded Iraq in 2003, likewise on the basis of lies to the effect that Iraq was the aggressor. (Even Germany called Poland the aggressor when invading Poland in 1939.)

No other nation regularly invades other nations that never had invaded it. This is international aggression. It is the international crime of “War of Aggression”; and the only nations which do it nowadays are America and its allies, such as the Sauds, Israel, France, and UK, which often join in America’s aggressions (or, in the case of the Sauds’ invasion of Yemen, the ally initiates an invasion, which the U.S. then joins). America’s generals are taught this aggression, and not only by Obama. Ever since at least George W. Bush, it has been solid U.S. policy. (Bush even kicked out the U.N.’s weapons-inspectors, so as to bomb Iraq in 2003.)

In other words: a mono-polar world is a world in which one nation stands above international law, and that nation’s participation in an invasion immunizes also each of its allies who join in the invasion, protecting it too from prosecution, so that a mono-polar world is one in which the United Nations can’t even possibly impose international law impartially, but can impose it only against nations that aren’t allied with the mono-polar power, which in this case is the United States. Furthermore, because the U.S. regime reigns supreme over the entire world, as it does, any nations — such as Russia, China, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Ecuador — that the U.S. regime (which has itself been scientifically proven to be a dictatorship) chooses to treat as an enemy, is especially disadvantaged internationally. Russia and China, however, are among the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and therefore possess a degree of international protection that America’s other chosen enemies do not. And the people who choose which nations to identify as America’s ‘enemies’ are America’s super-rich and not the entire American population, because the U.S. Government is controlled by the super-rich and not by the public.

So, that’s the existing mono-polar world: it is a world that’s controlled by one nation, and this one nation is, in turn, controlled by its aristocracy, its super-rich.

If one of the five permanent members of the Security Council would table at the U.N. a proposal to eliminate the immunity that the U.S. regime has, from investigation and prosecution for any future War of Aggression that it might perpetrate, then, of course, the U.S. and any of its allies on the Security Council would veto that, but if the proposing nation would then constantly call to the international public’s attention that the U.S. and its allies had blocked passage of such a crucially needed “procedure to amend the UN charter”, and that this fact means that the U.S. and its allies constitute fascist regimes as was understood and applied against Germany’s fascist regime, at the Nuremberg Tribunal in 1945, then possibly some members of the U.S.-led gang (the NATO portion of it, at least) would quit that gang, and the U.S. global dictatorship might end, so that there would then become a multi-polar world, in which democracy could actually thrive.

Democracy can only shrivel in a mono-polar world, because all other nations then are simply vassal nations, which accept Obama’s often-repeated dictum that all other nations are “dispensable” and that only the U.S. is not. Even the UK would actually gain in freedom, and in democracy, by breaking away from the U.S., because it would no longer be under the U.S. thumb — the thumb of the global aggressor-nation.

Only one global poll has ever been taken of the question “Which country do you think is the greatest threat to peace in the world today?” and it found that, overwhelmingly, by a three-to-one ratio above the second-most-often named country, the United States was identified as being precisely that, the top threat to world-peace. But then, a few years later, another (though less-comprehensive) poll was taken on a similar question, and it produced similar results. Apparently, despite the effectiveness of America’s propagandists, people in other lands recognize quite well that today’s America is a more successful and longer-reigning version of Hitler’s Germany. Although modern America’s propaganda-operation is far more sophisticated than Nazi Germany’s was, it’s not entirely successful. America’s invasions are now too common, all based on lies, just like Hitler’s were.

On November 9th, Russian Television headlined “‘Very insulting’: Trump bashes Macron’s idea of European army for protection from Russia, China & US” and reported that “US President Donald Trump has unloaded on his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, calling the French president’s idea of a ‘real European army,’ independent from Washington, an insult.” On the one hand, Trump constantly criticizes France and other European nations for allegedly not paying enough for America’s NATO military alliance, but he now is denigrating France for proposing to other NATO members a decreasing reliance upon NATO, and increasing reliance, instead, upon the Permanent Structured Cooperation (or PESCO) European military alliance, which was begun on 11 December 2017, and which currently has “25 EU Member States participating: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.” Those are the European nations that are now on the path to eventually quitting NATO.

Once NATO is ended, the U.S. regime will find far more difficult any invasions such as of Iraq 2003, Libya 2011, Syria 2012-, Yemen 2016-, and maybe even such as America’s bloody coup that overthrew the democratically elected Government of Ukraine and installed a racist-fascist or nazi anti-Russian regime there in 2014. All of these U.S. invasions (and coup) brought to Europe millions of refugees and enormously increased burdens upon European taxpayers. Plus, America’s economic sanctions against both Russia and Iran have hurt European companies (and the U.S. does almost no business with either country, so is immune to that, also). Consequently, today’s America is clearly Europe’s actual main enemy. The continuation of NATO is actually toxic to the peoples of Europe. Communism and the Soviet Union and its NATO-mirroring Warsaw Pact military alliance, all ended peacefully in 1991, but the U.S. regime has secretly continued the Cold War, now against Russia, and is increasingly focusing its “regime-change” propaganda against Russia’s popular democratic leader, Vladimir Putin, even though this U.S. aggression against Russia could mean a world-annihilating nuclear war.

On November 11th, RT bannered “‘Good for multipolar world’: Putin positive on Macron’s ‘European army’ plan bashed by Trump (VIDEO)”, and opened:

Europe’s desire to create its own army and stop relying on Washington for defense is not only understandable, but would be “positive” for the multipolar world, Vladimir Putin said days after Donald Trump ripped into it.

“Europe is … a powerful economic union and it is only natural that they want to be independent and … sovereign in the field of defense and security,” Putin told RT in Paris where world leader gathered to mark the centenary of the end of WWI.

He also described the potential creation of a European army “a positive process,” adding that it would “strengthen the multipolar world.” The Russian leader even expressed his support to French President Emmanuel Macron, who recently championed this idea by saying that Russia’s stance on the issue “is aligned with that of France” to some extent.

Macron recently revived the ambitious plans of creating a combined EU military force by saying that it is essential for the security of Europe. He also said that the EU must become independent from its key ally on the other side of the Atlantic, provoking an angry reaction from Washington.

Once NATO has shrunk to include only the pro-aggression and outright nazi European nations, such as Ukraine(after the U.S. gang accepts Ukraine into NATO, as it almost certainly then would do), the EU will have a degree of freedom and of democracy that it can only dream of today, and there will then be a multi-polar world, in which the leaders of the U.S. will no longer enjoy the type of immunity from investigation and possible prosecution, for their invasions, that they do today. The result of this will, however, be catastrophic for the top 100 U.S. ‘defense’ contractors, such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and Raytheon, because then all of those firms’ foreign sales except to the Sauds, Israel and a few other feudal and fascist regimes, will greatly decline. Donald Trump is doing everything he can to keep the Sauds to the agreements he reached with them back in 2017 to buy $404 billion of U.S. weaonry over the following 10 years.  If, in addition, those firms lose some of their European sales, then the U.S. economic boom thus far in Trump’s Presidency will be seriously endangered. So, the U.S. regime, which is run by the owners of its ‘defense’-contractors, will do all it can to prevent this from happening.

6 comentarios:

  1. En lo que disiento es en que USA no es una "nación" agresora, es el instrumento de un Imperio que coloniza al Estado en USA. Fijarse que el actual Presidente de ese país quiere encaminar las cosas hacia la paz con Corea del Norte y quiere acuerdos con China y Rusia, por lo que es acusado de "agente ruso" por el establishment.

    Dudo que la presidencia en USA tenga un grado, aunque sea mínimo, de control sobre lo que sucede en Siria. Habría que analizar más el caso Irán.

    La verdad es que son los que estuvieron acusando a Trump (tanto republicanos y demócratas) los que apoyaron el cambio de régimen en varios países (Irak, Libia, Ucrania, intentan en Siria, etc., etc.). Y, en América Latina (Ecuador, Brasil, Argentina) los que cambian el régimen son los que están involucrados en el derrocamiento de Trump.

    Los que cambian los regímenes no son presidentes de países, son combinaciones oligárquicas globales privadas cuya conexión y colonización de los Estados de "grandes potencias" conforman un imperio. Los presidentes por lo general se pliegan a eso, porque no quieren terminar como JFK. Pero, parece, que el que tienen ahora quiere luchar.

    1. No quiero con esto proponer una visión idílica de Trump, muy lejos de eso. Pero está claro que si Obama no tenía ningún problema con el establichment es porque avalaba todo lo que ese establishment quería. Ese no es el caso de Trump.

  2. Lo que quiero decir cuando digo que los que impulsan los cambios de régimen en A.L. son los que quieren derrocar a Trump, estoy queriendo significar que las redes involucradas en los cambios de régimen en nuestra región están muy relacionadas al FBI y el depto de justicia en USA que son las instituciones punta de lanza para el derrocamiento de Trump en ese país.


  3. Por las dudas, antes de que alguien diga algo que ahora parece estar de moda y que la blogósfera repite acríticamente y sin corroboración alguna: que Trump apoyó a Bolsonaro a través de Steve Bannon, transcribo, traducido más o menos, un tweeter de Trump con motivo de la salida de su gobierno de ese personaje:

    “Steve Bannon no tiene nada que ver conmigo ni con mi Presidencia. Cuando fue despedido, no solo perdió su empleo, sino que perdió su cabeza... Steve tuvo muy poco que ver con nuestra histórica victoria, la cual fue obra de los hombres y mujeres olvidados de este país... Steve no representa a mi base; el está ahí por sí mismo. Steve se hace como que está en guerra con los medios noticiosos, a los que califica del partido de la oposición, y no obstante se pasó todo el tiempo que estuvo en la Casa Blanca, filtrando información falsa a los medios, para hacer aparecer que era más importante de lo que realmente era. Eso es lo único que hace bien. En muy raras ocasiones tuvo Steve una reunión personal conmigo, y solo aparenta que había tenido influencia para engañar a unos cuantos que no tienen ninguna idea, a quienes les ayudó a escribir libros engañosos”.

    Esas fueron las palabras de Trump sobre el sujeto en cuestión.

    Hay que dar otro dato. Bannon pregona constantemente la agudización del conflicto contra Rusia y China, lo que está en total contradicción con las políticas diplomáticas de Trump de amigarse con esos países.

    Todo esto lo aclaro para que no seamos boludos. Hace poco un veterano blogero (no voy a dar nombres para no herir susceptibilidades) publica un post sobre Bolsonaro en el cual repite el latiguillo de que Trump apoyó a Bolsonaro en su campaña para presidente a través de la asesoría de Steve Bannon (!!!???).

    Estas confusiones son consecuencia, en parte, creo yo, porque las informaciones sobre Trump vienen mediadas en un 99,99% por las agencias mundiales de noticias que tienen intenciones de derrocarlo. Entonces viene todo tergiversado, invertido, porque todo lo que informen está subordinado a su interés corporativo de derrocar a Trump. Yo recomiendo que traten de ir a fuentes más directas en lugar de esas corporaciones de la información global.

    Trump es una persona muy impulsiva y contradictoria pero tiene 2 o 3 intuiciones estratégicas muy acertadas que lo hacen mejor presidente que todos los que lo precedieron en los últimos 55 años.

    Nosotros, como país, tenemos que aprovechar eso. Si Trump quiere industrialización, proteccionismo, inversión en infraestructura y paz con las potencias, nosotros también, obvio. El neoliberalismo, la apertura comercial, el endeudamiento, la destrucción de la industria y la guerra dejémoselo a los Macri, Bolsonaro, Lenin Moreno, etc. y sus amigos en el FBI y el Depto. de Justicia en USA.

  4. Bien oti, creo lo mismo aunque a veces cuesta.

    1. Sí, a mi también me cuesta horrores admitir ciertas cosas con una persona como Trump, que va contra mis gustos (incluso estéticos) e inclinaciones y que dice, a veces, cosas repugnantes. Si me dan a elegir quién es vocero de la tradición patriótica en EE.UU. lo prefiero a FDR o JFK, mucho antes que a Trump. Pero es lo que hay, qué se le va a hacer.

      A mi me gustaría que se reflexione sobre la naturaleza de los poderes globales.

      Un argumento podría ser que no hay tales poderes "globales" puesto que cada Nación aporta su cuota de poder a la "amalgama mundial", por decirlo de alguna manera. Otro argumento podría ser que el poder reside en un Estado Nacional (por ej., EE.UU.) y que, a partir de allí, se proyecta al plano internacional.

      En el marco teórico que planteo, que subyace a mis afirmaciones, el poder global no reside en una nacionalidad.

      Por ej., miro a EE.UU. y veo que las antiguas colonias de su costa Este, cuando quisieron tener su propia moneda, entraron en conflicto con Gran Bretaña. Aquí no estaba el poder global, sino en Gran Bretaña. Miro a GB y allí no estaba el poder global (invasión Guillermo de Orange III, etc., etc.), sino en Holanda (Amsterdam, etc., etc.), Venecia, etc. ... Y así sucesivamente yendo para atrás en el tiempo Imperio Romano, Babilonia, etc..

      Y si uno ve qué les da poder a todas esas sucesiones históricas de centros de poder mundial, es siempre lo mismo: control del comercio global (Cía. de Indias), servicios secretos, medios de comunicación, sistema bancario, materias primas estratégicas.

      Todas esas cosas las controlaban personas que influían en los reyes, príncipes, reinos, etc., etc. Yo los llamo oligarquía. Pero esos oligarcas no eran tan conocidos como los reyes, príncipes o nobles, siempre jugaban tras bambalinas. Ese sistema de influencias basado en el control de esos resortes fundamentales se llama "Imperio", el cual no tiene nacionalidad alguna, solo cambia de centro de radicación y cambian las personas, pero la estructura permanece.

      Esta es la historia del mundo.

      La única institución que se conoce que puede neutralizar al Imperio son los verdaderos Estados Nacionales (soberanos) que son los que logran que no haya decisiones impuestas al pueblo de ese Estado por intereses superiores a los de ese pueblo y Estado. Lo que quiere decir que hay un Estado Nacional cuando sus representantes toman decisiones en interés del pueblo que no pueden ser torcidas o neutralizadas por intereses que están por encima de ese Estado y ese pueblo.

      Las decisiones que determinan el destino y futuro del pueblo de la Nación Argentina no pueden ser tomadas por combinaciones oligárquicas que son el soporte de un Imperio. Deben ser tomadas por el pueblo a través de su agencia que es el Estado Nacional soberano.

      Disculpas por la extensión y gracias al dueño del Blog que siempre trae informaciones clave.

