sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016

Siria: principio del fin para los chicos malos

En la foto de arriba vemos a un soldado de las Fuerzas Armadas Arabes sirias mostrando la legítima bandera de su país en territorios previamente controlados por "rebeldes" moderados, o no tan moderados, o carniceros sin vuelta. Orden sobre el caos, para decirlo brevemente. La elección de Trump en los EEUU posiblemente acelere el retorno del orden. Las tres breves noticias que siguen son del sitio web libanés Al Manar en español: 

Título: Trump pondrá fin al apoyo a los grupos opositores sirios “moderados”

Texto: El presidente electo Donald Trump dijo el viernes que él abandonará probablemente la política de EEUU dirigida a apoyar a los grupos de oposición “moderados” en Siria. “No tengo idea de quien es esa gente”, afirmó.

En una entrevista con el Wall Street Journal, Trump dijo que EEUU debería concentrarse en derrotar al EI y encontrar un terreno común con Siria y Rusia.

“Yo tengo puntos de vista opuestos a los de muchos con respecto a Siria”, dijo Trump al WSJ. “Mi actitud es que hemos luchado contra Siria, pero Siria está luchando contra el EI y tenemos que deshacernos del EI. Rusia está totalmente alineada con Siria y ahora tenemos a Irán, que se está convirtiendo en una nación poderosa gracias a nosotros y está alineado también con Siria”.

Trump mostró más determinación en poner fin al apoyo a los grupos militantes que luchan contra el Ejército sirio que a aquellos otros que, como las Fuerzas Democráticas Sirias, luchan sólo contra el EI.

“Si EEUU continúa su línea de apoyar a los militantes que luchan contra el Ejército sirio, acabaremos luchando contra Rusia y contra Siria”, dijo Trump.


Título: La “fuerza irresistible” del Tigre avanza sin pausa en el oeste de Alepo

Texto: El viernes, el Ejército sirio logró imponer un control total sobre el suburbio de Dahiyat al Assad después de una batalla de 48 horas con los terroristas del Yaish al Fatah (El Ejército de la Conquista).

La captura del distrito de Dahiyat al Assad se produjo horas después de que el Ejército lanzara otro poderoso asalto en esta área.

El viernes, el Ejército sirio y sus aliados capturaron también la totalidad del distrito de Minian junto con varios sitios adyacentes.

De este modo, la contraofensiva masiva del Ejército que empezó el 6 de octubre ha revertido la práctica totalidad de las ganancias que obtuvieron los terroristas en la Gran Operación Épica lanzada el pasado mes y que terminó en fracaso tras la muerte de 2.500 militantes.

El Ejército sirio ha reunido una fuerza irresistible para ganar la batalla de Alepo, incluyendo a las Fuerzas del Tigre, el coronel Suhail Hassan, la Brigada de los Halcones del Desierto, la Guardia Republicana, el Hezbolá libanés, el Hezbolá al Nuyaba iraquí, la Brigada de Al Quds (palestinos) y la Brigada Fatemiyun (afganos).

Para la batalla por el distrito de Dahiyat al Assad, el Tigre planeó una maniobra en pinza dirigida a rodear a las facciones terroristas dentro del distrito u obligarles a retirarse totalmente del mismo si querían evitarlo, asestando así un duro golpe militar y moral a dichos grupos.

El viernes sólo, una facción armada, el Nureddin al Zinki, confirmó la muerte de 32 combatientes en choques con las fuerzas gubernamentales en el oeste de Alepo.

Esto significa que el Ejército sirio ha conquistado en unos días los siguientes objetivos:

– La colina de Tal Mutah
– La colina de Tal Rajim
– El Proyecto de Vivienda 1070
– La Academia de Ciencias
– El distrito de Minian
– El distrito de Dahiyat al Assad
– Partes de la Zona Industrial de Minian

Desde la perspectiva del Ejército, estos avances significan un gran avance en los planes para la creación de una zona colchón segura e inmune a los ataques terroristas en el oeste de la ciudad de Alepo.


Título: Hezbolá ataca a los terroristas de Al Nusra en localidad libanesa

Texto: Los combatientes de la Resistencia libanesa atacaron un bastión de los terroristas de Al Nusra en las colinas de Arsal, en la región de la Bekaa, cerca de la frontera con Siria

De acuerdo con el canal de televisión libanés Al Yadid, muchos terroristas de Al Nusra murieron o resultaron heridos en un ataque de los combatientes del Hezbolá libanés contra su bastión en el norte de la Bekaa.

Los grupos terroristas takfiris, como el EI y el Frente al Nusra, han invadido una parte del territorio libanés que incluye un número de ciudades fronterizas, como Arsal.

Beirut prepara gran operación contra los terroristas

Hasta ahora, la oposición de algunos partidos libaneses había impedido que el Ejército y Hezbolá pudieran liberar estos lugares que continúan en manos de los terroristas takfiris. Sin embargo, las recientes declaraciones del nuevo presidente libanés, Michel Aoun, indican que se procederá en breve al lanzamiento de una gran operación de liberación y limpieza de los terroristas en el Líbano.

Al mismo tiempo, algunos medios de comunicación libaneses citaron a la agencia de noticias turca Anadolu, que afirmó que Beirut ha pedido a los refugiados sirios que evacúen el campo de Akkar en plazo de diez días, en lo que parece ser un anuncio de dicha gran operación.

Por otra parte, el diario libanés Al Akhbar escribió que las fuerzas de seguridad libanesas detuvieron en la Bekaa a un ciudadano libanés que colaboraba con el Ejército israelí.


Por último, reproducimos este post del sitio web Moon of Alabama, en el que se comentan las implicancias de la postura del presidente electo de los EEUU, Donald Trump, en el terreno de lo que la Historia habrá de denominar La Batalla de Siria:

Título: Nusra On The Run - Trump Induces First Major Policy Change On Syria

Texto: The people loyal to the Syrian government are happy with Donald Trump winning the U.S. election:

At the passport counter, a Syrian officer’s face lit up when he saw an American traveler.

“Congratulations on your new president!” he exclaimed, giving an energetic thumbs up. Mr. Trump, he said, would be “good for Syria.”

The first significant step of the new administration comes while Trump is not even in offices. Obama, selfishly concerned with his historic legacy, suddenly makes a 180 degree turn and starts to implement Trump polices. Lets consider the initial position:

Asked about Aleppo in an October debate with Clinton, Trump said it was a humanitarian disaster but the city had "basically" fallen. Clinton, he said, was talking in favor of rebels without knowing who they were.

The rebels fighting Assad in western Syria include nationalists fighting under the Free Syrian Army banner, some of them trained in a CIA-backed program, and jihadists such as the group formerly known as the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front.

The Obama administration, through the CIA led by Saudi asset John Brennan, fed weapons, training and billions of dollars to "moderate rebels". These then turned around (vid) and either gave the CIA gifts to al-Qaeda in Syria (aka Jabhat al Nusra) or joined it themselves. The scheme was no secret at all and Russia as well as Syria pointed this out several times. The Russian foreign Minister Lavrov negotiated with the U.S. Secretary of State Kerry who promised to separate the "moderate rebels" from al-Qaeda. But Kerry never delivered. Instead he falsely accuse Russia of committing atrocities that never happened. The CIA kept the upper hand within the Obama administration and continued its nefarious plans.

That changed the day the president-elect Trump set foot into the White House. While Obama met Trump in the oval office, new policies, prepared beforehand, were launched. The policies were held back until after the election and would likely not have been revealed or implemented if Clinton had won.

The U.S. declared that from now on it will fight against al-Qaeda in Syria:

President Obama has ordered the Pentagon to find and kill the leaders of an al-Qaeda-linked group in Syria that the administration had largely ignored until now and that has been at the vanguard of the fight against the Syrian government, U.S. officials said.

That shift is likely to accelerate once President-elect Donald Trump takes office. ... possibly in direct cooperation with Moscow. 

U.S. officials who opposed the decision to go after al-Nusra’s wider leadership warned that the United States would effectively be doing the Assad government's bidding by weakening a group on the front line of the counter-Assad fight. 

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and other Pentagon leaders initially resisted the idea of devoting more Pentagon surveillance aircraft and armed drones against al-Nusra.

Ash Carter is, together with John Brennan, the major anti-Russian force in the Obama administration. He is a U.S. weapon industry promoter and the anti-Russia campaign, which helps to sell U.S. weapons to NATO allies in Europe, is largely of his doing. He saw al-Qaeda in Syria as a welcome proxy force against Russia.

But Obama has now shut down that policy. We are not yet sure that this is for good but the above Washington Post account is not the only signal:

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) took action today to disrupt al-Nusrah Front’s military, recruitment, and financing operations. Specifically, OFAC designated four key al-Nusrah Front leaders – Abdallah Muhammad Bin-Sulayman al-Muhaysini, Jamal Husayn Zayniyah, Abdul Jashari, and Ashraf Ahmad Fari al-Allak – pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism. 
These designations were taken in coordination with the U.S. Department of State, which today named Jabhat Fath al Sham as an alias of al-Nusrah Front – al-Qa’ida’s affiliate in Syria. 
Abdallah Muhammad Bin-Sulayman al-Muhaysini was designated for acting for or on behalf of, and providing support and services to or in support of, al-Nusrah Front.

This is a major change in U.S. policy. Nusra will from now on be on the run not only from Russian and Syrian attacks but also from the intelligence and military capabilities of the United States.

The newly designated Al-Muhaysini, a Saudi cleric, is Nusra's chief ideologue in Syria. Some considered him the new Osama Bin-Laden. Here he is, on the left, arm in arm with chief al-Qaeda in Syria propagandist and "journalist" Hadi Abdullah.

Hadi Abdullah, friend of the designated al-Qaeda terrorist Muhaysini, just received the 2016 Press Freedom Pricefrom the CIA/Soros financed "regime change" influence operation Reporters Without Borders. Might this mean that Hadi Abdullah is himself a CIA assets? He would not be the first such "journalist" in Syria.

Obama, obviously as a direct consequence of the Trump election, now ordered the Pentagon to wage war on al-Qaeda in Syria just as the Russians do. This after five years of nearly unlimited U.S. support for al-Qaeda and its "moderate" Syrian affiliates. It is not yet know what new orders, if any, Obama gave to the CIA. Will the CIA follow these policies or will it (again) try to counter the Pentagon policies in Syria? It is unusual that the WaPo report above about this new direction includes no commenting voice from the CIA. Why is such missing?

Russia and Syria will welcome the new Obama policies should they come to fruit on the ground. Hillary Clinton had planned and announced to widen the conflict in Syria and with Russia and Iran. Obama would surely not have acted against such policies if she had been elected. But with Trump winning and thereby a new policy on the horizon he now changed course to a direction that will provide "continuity" when Trump takes over.

Not only is Trump kicking a black family out of its longtime limewashed home, he also ends U.S. government support for the disenfranchised Jihadis in Syria and elsewhere. This even months before taking office. He really is the menace we have all been warned about.


This interview in today's WSJ confirms that Trump is still in the pro-Syrian/anti-Jihadist camp that is opposed to Obama's original policy:

Donald Trump, in Exclusive Interview, Tells WSJ He Is Willing to Keep Parts of Obama Health Law

He said he got a “beautiful” letter from Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding that a phone call between them is scheduled shortly. 
Although he wasn’t specific, Mr. Trump suggested a shift away from what he said was the current Obama administration policy of attempting to find moderate Syrian opposition groups to support in the civil war there. “I’ve had an opposite view of many people regarding Syria,” he said.

He suggested a sharper focus on fighting Islamic State, or ISIS, in Syria, rather than on ousting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. “My attitude was you’re fighting Syria, Syria is fighting ISIS, and you have to get rid of ISIS. Russia is now totally aligned with Syria, and now you have Iran, which is becoming powerful, because of us, is aligned with Syria. … Now we’re backing rebels against Syria, and we have no idea who these people are.”

If the U.S. attacks Mr. Assad, Mr. Trump said, “we end up fighting Russia, fighting Syria.”

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