viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

Habla Paul Craig Roberts

La excepcional nota que sigue es de Paul Craig Roberts (político conservador del Partido Republicano, ex funcionario de Ronald Reagan) y salió publicada hoy en varios portales, además del suyo ( En ella, el autor les comunica a sus compatriotas estadounidenses algunos problemitas y/o dilemas del actual proceso electoral de ese país, a saber: (1) la democracia en los EEUU no existe; Wall Street y otras corporaciones se la llevaron puesta hace tiempo. (2) Se prepara un fraude en los mecanismos de voto electrónico a los efectos de favorecer a la candidata de la oligarquía financiero-militar. Por último, (3) casi todo el aparato mediático de ese país se estaría prestando alegremente a favorecer, preparar y alentar esta estafa. Como dicen por acá: democracia o dictadura, chicos.

Título: The Failure of US Democracy

Subtítulo: How The Oligarchs Plan To Steal The Election

Texto: I am now convinced that the Oligarchy that rules America intends to steal the presidential election. In the past, the oligarchs have not cared which candidate won as the oligarchs owned both. But they do not own Trump.

Most likely you are unaware of what Trump is telling people as the media does not report it. A person who speaks like this:

- is not endeared to the oligarchs.

Who are the oligarchs?

— Wall Street and the mega-banks too big to fail and their agent the Federal Reserve, a federal agency that put 5 banks ahead of millions of troubled American homeowners who the federal reserve allowed to be flushed down the toilet. In order to save the mega-banks’ balance sheets from their irresponsible behavior, the Fed has denied retirees any interest income on their savings for eight years, forcing the elderly to draw down their savings, leaving their heirs, who have been displaced from employment by corporate jobs offshoring, penniless.

— The military/security complex which has spent trillions of our taxpayer dollars on 15 years of gratuitous wars based entirely on lies in order to enrich themselves and their power.

— The neoconservartives whose crazed ideology of US world hegemony thrusts the American people into military conflict with Russia and China.

— The US global corporations that sent American jobs to China and India and elsewhere in order to enrich the One Percent with higher profits from lower labor costs.

— Agribusiness (Monsanto, corporations that poison the soil, the water, the oceans, and our food with their GMOs, hebicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, while killing the bees that pollinate the crops.

— The extractive industries—energy, mining, fracking, and timber—that maximize their profits by destroying the environment and the water supply.

— The Israel Lobby that controls US Middle East policy and is committing genocide against the Palestinians just as the US committed genocide against native Americans. Israel is using the US to eliminate sovereign countries that stand in Israell’s way.

What convinces me that the Oligarchy intends to steal the election is the vast difference between the presstitutes’ reporting and the facts on the ground.

According to the presstitutes, Hillary is so far ahead that there is no point in Trump supporters bothering to vote. Hillary has won the election before the vote. Hillary has been declared a 93% sure winner.

I am yet to see one Hillary yard sign, but Trump signs are everywhere. Reports I receive are that Hillary’s public appearances are unattended but Trumps are so heavily attended that people have to be turned away. This is a report from a woman in Florida:

«Trump has pulled huge numbers all over FL while campaigning here this week. I only see Trump signs and sickers in my wide travels. I dined at a Mexican restaurant last night. Two women my age sitting behind me were talking about how they had tried to see Trump when he came to Tallahassee. They left work early, arriving at the venue at 4:00 for a 6:00 rally. The place was already over capacity so they were turned away. It turned out that there were so many people there by 2:00 that the doors had to be opened to them. The women said that the crowds present were a mix of races and ages».

I know the person who gave me this report and have no doubt whatsoever as to its veracity.

I also receive from readers similiar reports from around the country.

This is how the theft of the election is supposed to work: The media concentrated in a few corporate hands has gone all out to convince not only Americans but also the world, that Donald Trump is such an unacceptable candidate that he has lost the election before the vote.

By controllng the explanation, when the election is stolen those who challenge the stolen election are without a foundartion in the media. All media reports will say that it was a run away victory for Hillary over the misogynist immigrant-hating Trump.

And liberal, progressive opinion will be relieved and off guard as Hillary takes us into nuclear war.

That the Oligarchy intends to steal the election from the American people is verified by the officially reported behavior of the voting machines in early voting in Texas. The NRP presstitutes have declared that Hillary is such a favorite that even Repulbican Texas is up for grabs in the election.

If this is the case, why was it necessary for the voting machines to be programmed to change Trump votes to Hillary votes? Those voters who noted that they voted Trump but were recorded Hillary complained. The election officials, claiming a glitch (which only went one way), changed to paper ballots. But who will count them? No «glitches» caused Hillary votes to go to Trump, only Trump votes to go to Hillary.

The most brilliant movie of our time was The Matrix. This movie captured the life of Americans manipulated by a false reality, only in the real America there is insufficient awareness and no Neo, except possibly Donald Trump, to challenge the system. All of my life I have been trying to get Americans of all stripes—academics, scholars, journalists, Republicans, Democrats, right-wing, left-wing, US Representatives, US Senators, Presidents, corporate moguls and brainwashed Americans and foreigners—out of the false reality in which they exist.

In the United States today a critical presidential eletion is in process in which not a single important issue is addressed. This is total failure. Democracy, once the hope of the world, has totally failed in the United States of America.

3 comentarios:

  1. Trump es un síntoma de los efectos de empobrecimiento que la descomposición económica y social en USA provoca por la caída en las condiciones de vida de gran parte de la población tanto de raza blanca anglosajona como negros y latinos, cosa que el establishment no quiere reconocer a nivel de la opinión pública. Alguien tenía que ser vocero de eso. Bueno, fue Trump. Lamentablemente, era preferible que sea alguien de más nivel, pero así son las cosas.

    Efectivamente las combinaciones oligárquicas no pueden garantizar el control de la orientación del gobierno y del Estado si aquel fuera presidido por Trump.

    Creo que, con cualquiera de los 2 candidatos va a haber 2 clases distintas de caos:

    1) Con H. Clinton, el caos va a venir por el lado de la guerra general que va a provocar la continuidad de las políticas exteriores de Obama.

    2) Con Trump, si no ocurre lo precedente, el caos va a venir por el lado de la incapacidad para reemplazar el sistema financiero y monetario oligárquico por uno orientado y dirigido por el Estado Nacional al servicio de las clases populares norteamericanas. No creo que Trump, si es que se propone conducir esa transición hacia la soberanía de su propio país (esto es si logra desbancar a las combinaciones oligárquicas del control que ejercen sobre el Estado), tenga las capacidades necesarias para hacerlo.

    El diagnóstico que hay que hacer es que el gobierno y el Estado en USA son profundamente oligárquicos. El Poder Ejecutivo está muy agarrado por las combinaciones oligárquicas. Al frente del mismo hay un Presidente que, por su carácter y personalidad, facilita mucho eso.

    El Congreso está muy sometido a las presiones que ejercen esas combinaciones, a pesar del reciente rechazo del veto presidencial a la Ley JASTA el que puede ser visto como un triunfo de los legisladores frente a toda clase de lobys internos y externos.

    El Poder Judicial es profundamente oligárquico. El Departamento de Justicia es algo terrible.

    Los gobiernos Bush-Obama produjeron un empobrecimiento social muy significativo, la decadencia de la calidad de vida de la población, incluso en el sector anglosajón, es muy fuerte. Toda la cháchara sobre la "recuperación" económica, etc., ocultan esto. La realidad es que tales gobiernos aumentaron no solo la pobreza sino la indigencia también.

    Ante semejante cosa no es de extrañar que exista un Trump. Llamaría la atención que una sociedad con tal decadencia económica y social no produjera ningún síntoma.

    Hay analistas que no ven ninguna cosa rara en todo esto. Esto sí que es realmente curioso. Pero bueno, no hay más ciego que el que no quiere ver.

  2. La virtud de P. C. Roberts es que simplifica muy bien lo que muchos complejizan.

    Complejizar y matizar es bueno cuando se tiene claro lo simple a partir de lo cual lo hacemos.

    Pero, si no se tiene claro lo simple, el complejizar se convierte en una de las tantas formas de plantear y ver equivocadamente la realidad.

    Muy buenos los últimos posts. Saludos.

  3. A mí este muchacho Roberts me deslumbra, qué quiere que le diga. Pensar que fue Asistente del Tesoro de EEUU con Reagan!!!

    Cordiales saludos,

