En esa cantera de perlas que son los títulos misceláneos de Russia Today en español (en la columna de la derecha), encontramos una noticia que nos hace ruido:
Título: Los biólogos tocan la alarma: focas matan a marsopas por diversión
Texto: “A pesar de su tierna apariencia, las focas británicas son cada vez más violentas en sus comportamientos depredadores, afirman expertos citados por el portal 'Daily Digest News'.
Según las últimas observaciones, las focas están dando a conocer su lado más oscuro. Esta faceta se manifiesta en comportamientos que van desde la violación de pingüinos hasta la mutilación violenta de marsopas. Los expertos advierten que estos comportamientos violentos, que se han observado a lo largo de las costas del Reino Unido y Holanda, podrían traducirse en ataques a los humanos.”
Hasta ahí la breve nota de RT. Aclaremos de entrada que es imposible adjudicar a una “diversión” de las focas la mutilación de marsopas. ¿Quién establece que una foca se está divirtiendo cuando mutila una marsopa? Ahora bien, más notable que la mutilación de marsopas, es la violación de pingüinos por parte de las focas británicas. Que un mamífero viole a un ave nos resulta, de por sí, sospechoso. Pero que una foca británica viole a un ave exclusiva del Hemisferio Sur, como es el pingüino, ya plantea dificultades infranqueables. Por este motivo nos fuimos a la fuente de tamaña novedad. Se trata de una nota de John Tyburski para el Daily Digest News, aparecida anteayer:
Título: Biologists disturbed to find seals in Britain seemingly killing porpoises for fun
Texto: While they look cute and cuddly with their big puppy dog eyes and whiskers, Britain’s seals are becoming more vicious and violent in their predatory behaviors, prompting scientists to ask why.
The cute, Labrador retrievers of the sea, ocean seals, may not be as benevolent as they look. In fact, a dark side to seals is emerging, with behaviors ranging from penguin rape to violent mutilation of porpoises along the coast of Britain and Holland.
Experts warn that these violent behaviors could translate into attacks on human swimmers. While rare, seal attacks are not unheard of. In 2003, British marine biologist Kristy Brown, 28, was drowned by a leopard seal off the Antarctic Peninsula. The seal grabbed her in its jaws and dragged her into the icy deep while she was snorkeling. Other reports of seal attacks include an attempt in 1985 by a leopard seal to drag a man from pack ice into the chilly water and a harbor seal that bit the hand of a five year-old in Canada.
Aggressive behavior in leopard seals is not unusual, but the same sinister activities in other types of seals is a more recent observation. Scientists at the Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies in Holland examined the remains of over 1,000 mutilated porpoises that washed up on the North Sea shorelines over the past 10 years. For many years, the cause of the mutilations remained a mystery.
Some speculated that the porpoises were caught in boat propellers or maimed by scavengers after being caught in fishing nets. Recently, however, scientists have traced the crimes to grey seals through DNA evidence.
“Many of the mutilated porpoises were found on shores used frequently by human bathers and surfers and there would appear to be no reason why humans may not be at risk from grey seal attacks,” said biologist Mardick Leopold, lead author on a new report published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society b.
Approximately 180,000 grey seals reside along the Scottish coastline and surrounding area of the British Isles. They can reach 11 feet long and weigh over 660 lbs, making them Britain’s largest carnivorous animals. For reason’s yet unknown, the seals have begun attacking porpoises that come to the surface of the water to rest. They grab them by the bony beaks and tear blubber from their bodies.
While scuba divers have reported being approached by the grey seals, no attacks on humans have been documented.
El tipo dijo: “penguin rape”, efectivamente. En fin, el misterio continúa.
Pasó en la Antártida, pero, naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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